Product Details for Material from Advantech - ADAM-4024-B1E - Data Logging & Acquisition 4-ch. Analog Output Module (Modbus) (RoHS)

ADAM-4024-B1E Advantech Data Logging & Acquisition 4-ch. Analog Output Module (Modbus) (RoHS)

Part Nnumber
Data Logging & Acquisition 4-ch. Analog Output Module (Modbus) (RoHS)
Basic price
245,54 EUR

The product with part number ADAM-4024-B1E (Data Logging & Acquisition 4-ch. Analog Output Module (Modbus) (RoHS)) is from company Advantech and distributed with basic unit price 245,54 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Advantech Product Category: Data Logging & Acquisition RoHS:  Details Type: Output Analogue / Digital: Combined Display Type: None Connection Method: IDC Ribbon Cable Interface: IDC Ribbon Cable Number of Channels: 4 Channel Brand: Advantech Description/Function: 4 channel analog output module with Modbus Operating Temperature Range: - 10 C to + 70 C Power Consumption: 3 W Resolution: 12 bit

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